Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Marine Stewards!
Volunteers are critical to the smooth running of our organisation and programmes behind-the-scenes, and the real driver of the success and impact of Marine Stewards. We welcome people of all skill sets, backgrounds, ages and nationalities, with a shared love for marine conservation, strong work ethics and a can-do attitude!
You will be given the opportunity to tap into your passions, channel your interests into tangible outcomes, along the way, you contribute to the cause, learn something new, and be part of our amazing team :)
Current available volunteer positions
Volunteers with the relevant skills are invited to apply for the following roles:
1. Funding Associate
Write grant proposals and sponsorship presentation decks
Proficient in English business writing, and comfortable working with Google docs, Canva slides
Duration: This is a per-project basis, each project takes one or two weeks to complete
2. Marine Science Tech Volunteer
Able to ID local subtidal animal life from photos and videos taken by recreational divers
Specialise in at least one of the following animal groups: Corals, Fish, Nudibranchs and Other Invertebrates
Commit to monthly video chat meetings (weekdays nights, once a month) to help divers ID photos
Verify ID of photos taken by divers to genus/species level if possible (approx 100 - 200 photos a month)
3. Senior Community Manager
Liaison with project leads
Manage member communications
Manage volunteers and volunteer on-boarding
4. Head of Communications
In charge of overall social media presence
Manage a small team of volunteers for social media
5. Business Development Manager
Liaison with corporates and other in-bound collaboration and partnership enquiries
Manage a small team of volunteers for social media
6. Students - Internships
We welcome students to do internships with us. Currently, internships are an unpaid position
Minimum 3 months duration for all internships ​
At the end of the internship, a certificate of participation as an intern will be awarded to you
Email your cover letter and CV to hello@marinestewards.org to apply
Spot a position you're interested in?
Things to note:
Volunteer positions are a non-paid role
Volunteer positions are for the time commitment of approximately 2 to 4 hours a week, for a minimum of 3 months
Volunteers who demonstrate outstanding commitment, strong work ethics and aptitude for a year or more may be invited to join our Management team
As volunteers officially representing Marine Stewards, you are required to have a current membership with Marine Stewards. Sign up to be a Marine Steward member here.
Volunteers will be required to sign our Volunteer Agreement.
Volunteers are a valuable asset to our work, and in doing so, help to conserve our local reefs and marine life. If you are keen to apply for a volunteer position, please fill up the form below, and a team member will reach out to you.
Please give us some time to respond. We will respond to you within 4 weeks.